
Session and Programming Manager

MiraSMART helps you go from abstracts to a printable conference schedule with a fast, easy, intuitive dashboard.  You can create a master schedule, coordinate presenters, as well as define tracks, and organize venues.

 A user-friendly graphic dashboard displays intuitive tracking data to help manage authors,  reviewers and chairs. Your frustration level and the specter of task complexity is replaced by a beautiful, elegant experience designed to make you look and feel like a hero.

•    Conference organizers can create a master schedule for the event
•    Scheduling and programming Information may be formatted to customized templates
•    Organizers are notified of scheduling conflicts
•    Integrated access to Authors data and submission information
•    Standard and customizable reporting available


Virtual Conferences

On Demand or Live

Upload presentations for attendees to view On Demand or integrate with Zoom for real time presentations.



Online Index

A searchable index of your conference content of abstracts, proceedings and schedules.

  • Content and data management.

  •  Searchable content and conference proceedings

  •  Customized search platform allows browsing of content by different criteria

  • Embedded links with searchable content is standard; XML tagging may be added as requirements dictate


Single Sign On (SSO) 

Integrate with AMS/Membership Database

AMS and Membership Databases we have integrated with.


Mobile App Integration

Here are just a few of the mobile app companies that we have integrated with.



Session Proposal Control (Session Proposal and Review)

MiraSMART provides a single, powerful tool for complete session management. During the entire process – session creation, call for proposals, the review process, sharing and    communication – we have you covered.  

One of the keys to your conference success is great communication. MiraSMART connects all the right people to the correct documents with one simple mouse click. You don't have to tediously create groups and mailing lists, MiraSMART does the work for you! Every document  and every presenter can easily be linked and their progress tracked so you avoid presentations falling through the cracks.
There’s no middleman between the presenter and the session manager with MiraSMART. Presenters and session managers can stay in contact throughourbuilt-in messaging tools. New session ideas can be proposed and details can be reviewed, saving time and improving conference planning efficiency and decision-making.

•    Session proposer works directly with presenters on details and execution
•    Ability to email and track progress with presenters within the module
•    Configurable to support any managed review, editing and decision workflow
•    Ease of access to presenter data within the module



Complete Poster Services

A convenient way for attendees to upload, print and pick up their posters at the conference. The site is easy to use and will maintain the branding of your submission site.

  • Poster Upload, Printing, and Shipping/Delivery

  • Convenient and economical distributions of posters to the attendees at the Conference

  • Ability of Conference Organizers to provide value while retaining portions of the revenues



Secure Backup and Storage of Data

With the new GDPR policies in place Mira now has options for you to store your previous conference years data. Let us protect and store your data so you don’t have to.

  • Three Tiers of service depending on your organizations needs

  • Custom option should our tiers not be a fit

  • GDPR Compliant



Multi-Year Index

Our LibrarySMART tool allows for users to view multiples years and conferences data all in one place.

  • Content storage and data management

  • Archival copy of all data, content and conference proceedings

  •  Data backed up and secure, but accessible when necessary

  • Fully searchable to retrieve content; XML tagging available as needed